Temporary Cruising Zone has an Accountability process in place to try and keep Members as safe as possible whilst acknowledging that no space, especially spaces of this nature, can be completely safe. I ask that Members advocate for themselves as much as possible and engage in mature conversations with those involved when issues arise or when things go wrong. Communication is especially vital in sex spaces and if you are not able to engage in important conversations adequately, you shouldn’t be in the space.
However, I understand that when things go very wrong this isn’t always possible and if this is the case, I encourage Members to email their concerns to temporarycruisingzone@gmail.com using the Scale of Harm below as a guide or approach myself or a steward at a party.
Please note: I cannot deal with or be an intermediary for interpersonal conflicts and can only respond to issues that have happened in person. I require as much evidence as possible and I cannot act or make decisions based on hearsay or gossip. Evidence could be any or all of the following: written details of specific incidents which include a name(s) and a date (or timeframe), screenshots or photographs. If you are reporting abuse, SA or DV, please only send evidence that you feel comfortable with but note that without a name and at least a brief description and timeframe I cannot act. No emails will be kept after the issue has been dealt with.
As of February 2025, the Accountability Assistants helping me with decisions to do with accountability, warnings and bans are EM (they/them) and LeatherHiraeth (he/him).
Scale of Harm
1. Soft Rule Breaking At A Party: Someone made you feel uncomfortable in a way that relates to the House Rules and you weren’t able to resolve the situation between yourselves. The person would be reminded of the House Rules and given a warning.
2. Talking Outside of TCZ: Another Member mentioned your attendance or mentioned that you are a Member to non-Members (this includes in public digital spaces that non-Members can access) and you have proof of this. The person would be reminded of the House Rules and given a warning.
3. Hard Rule Breaking At A Party: Consent transgressions, assault, bullying, body shaming, not following RACK or direct instances of racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, whorephobia, sexism, ageism or classism. This Member will be banned immediately unless you request another course of action.
4. Abuse Experienced First Hand: “X was my abuser and is a TCZ Member”. The perp will be banned immediately unless you request another course of action.
For persistent rule breaks in Scales 1 and 2 there is a 2 warning rule before a ban is issued.
Scale of Action
1. I will acknowledge your email and discuss the issue with the Accountability Assistants. An outcome which will be actioned within 1 month unless the person has already been given 2 warnings in which case Scale of Action no. 4 will come into play. You will be informed of the decision and course of action.
2. I will acknowledge your email and discuss the issue with the Accountability Assistants. An outcome which will be actioned within 1 month unless the person has already been given 2 warnings in which case Scale of Action no. 4 will come into play. You will be informed of the decision and course of action.
3. I will acknowledge your email and discuss the issue with the Accountability Assistants. An outcome which will be actioned within 7 days. You will be informed of the date of the ban unless you request another course of action in which case you will be informed of the decision and course of action.
4. I will acknowledge your email and discuss the issue with the Accountability Assistants. An outcome which will be actioned within 72 hours. You will be informed of the date of the ban.
Unbanning Policy
As I believe in transformative justice, I would like to make it clear that on very rare occasions, previously banned Members can be reinstated. This only happens if:
• The person who made the report against a Member explicitly asks for the Member to be reinstated AND there was good evidence that the banned Member had learned from and made changes to their behaviour
• The person who made the report against a Member is no longer a Member themselves AND there was good evidence that the banned Member had learned from and made changes to their behaviour
• The decision to reinstate a banned Member would only be considered after at least 2 years had passed since their ban and would be based on how much (un)learning they could demonstrate that they had done
• “(Un)Learning” here means the banned Member being able to demonstrate that they have grown as a person through attending therapy, workshops or engaging with other forms of community-based rehabilitation including time for self-reflection. The decision to unban would then be based on conversations and seeing how they behave in other social settings, as well as from feedback received from those around them, including ex partners, current partners and other event hosts where appropriate
• The previously banned Member would be monitored closely at all parties
• The previously banned Member would be banned permanently if we receive one more report or concern regarding the Member
As of November 2024, 1 Member has had their Membership reinstated.
If you need professional help, please see below for a list of organisations. City specific services may be able to signpost you to services in your area.
Antidote (London based, LGBTQ+ specific service for addiction and chem sex): https://londonfriend.org.uk/antidote/
Birmingham LGBT: https://blgbt.org/services/support-services/
Galop (national, LGBTQ+ specific service for violence and assault): https://galop.org.uk/
LGBT Foundation (Manchester based): https://lgbt.foundation/knowledge-base/
National Self Harm Network: https://nshn.co.uk/
Rape and Sexual Violence Project (Birmingham based): https://rsvporg.co.uk/
Samartians (national, 24/7 mental health support): https://www.samaritans.org/
SHOUT (national, 24/7 mental health support): https://giveusashout.org/
Spectra (national, LGBTQ specific service): https://spectra-london.org.uk/
WithYou (national, addiction service): https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/